Last Chance Diner Page 17
Lewis moves silently to my side and begins to rip the clothing away from her thigh. As softly as I can, I dab the marks on her face with a cloth soaked in saline. Her brow furrows, but she doesn't make a sound. Her eyes glow with the presence of Snow, and I'm glad for it. Hoping to help, I send soothing magic toward her body as I wipe away the crusted blood.
"She's going to need to hold a naming ceremony," Ranger stands beside me, talking into the air. "One of us will have to go back to California and settle the diner. I'm sure Erica would love to run it for us."
"Our old life seems miles away. How did this all happen so fast? Just days ago, we were fighting over whether we could all be her mates," Brandon sighs.
"You don't have to stay," Faith's voice is colored with Snow's cadence.
Ranger barks out a laugh. "You two are stuck with us - forever. Don't ever utter such nonsense again."
Her eyes flicker with emotion. She tilts her head to the side in true wolf fashion, a move that sends the feels running down my spine. Love pours through the bond as she takes a deep breath. This is hard on her, I know that, but we'll get through it together. Anxiety about how I'm supposed to act now keeps trying to bubble up so I push it down.
"How do we go about planning such an event? Look at us, misfits who ran away from pack law, now the figureheads of one of the biggest packs on this continent!" Brandon's voice is higher-pitched than usual.
I snap my head up, making eye contact with him and scowl. 'Faith needs to relax enough for us to take care of her wounds and then shift to heal fully.' He throws his hands in the air then stalks into the bathroom.
With him out of the room, I turn my attention back to Faith. Her golden eyes are squinted with pain. I take a deep breath and pour some of the saline down the slash in her cheek. It's deep, but if it's adequately cleaned, she'll never know how bad it looked. Once her cheek looks good enough, I move to the cut above her eye, which isn't bad considering. Her fingers wrap around my knee and squeeze.
"I'm almost done," I whisper.
"All finished here," Lewis states.
Figuring the Goddess will do better than I can, I cup Faith's cheeks and look into her eyes. "Snow, shift as slowly as you can manage. I'll assist you. Pay close attention to forming your face," I breathe.
Her nose twitches, then the audible crack of her bones starts. Her face shimmers and begins to morph slowly. I'm mesmerized. Usually, we change too fast to notice all the details. Snow took me super serious; I've got to give her props on control. She lets out a whimper then rolls on her side. Her shirt bursts down the back, her rib cage widening, and sprouting fur. Her arms rotate in the joints, repositioning with a pop. Ranger takes in a deep breath and rests his hand on her now full wolf paw. Her tail swishes over my lap, landing heavily. The white fur is pure and unblemished - a welcome sight.
As soon as the shift is complete, she rises on all fours and stretches her back. I lean in, turning her leg to inspect the place she was stabbed and find nothing. Snow chuffs and turns her snout toward me, her tongue hanging out in wolf laughter.
'You thought I would do poorly?' She challenges me then licks my face.
"No, beautiful. I had faith in you," I wink.
At that, Lewis and Ranger both laugh It's a welcome change to the tension that's been floating in the air. With a smile, I scratch behind Snow's ear. She grunts and leans her head on my lap, flopping back down on the chaise with a thud. I'd inspect her face, but she might actually bite me.
'Indeed,' her ear flicks back and forth. 'We must sleep. Plan the ceremony … please.' Before I can reply, she's moved away from me and curled up with her tail over her snout.
Now that she's sleeping, I take a significant risk. As softly as I can, I smooth the fur of her tail and inspect her face. There's not a mark on it, from what I can tell. The coat rests evenly, and there are no scar lines. A pressure releases from my chest. I look up through my eyelashes at my mate. Ranger's mouth is screwed tight as if he's waiting for bad news. My eyes water. I give him a thumbs up. His shoulders drop, and he takes a deep breath.
"Do you think the hair dye will make it through the shift? I don't see any black marks on her fur," he whispers.
I shrug. With no sisters and not being around a pack for a bit, I'm not sure how hair dye works with our kind. I get his question, though. It would really be nice to see our girl back to pure form when she wakes up. It would probably help her, as well.
'This feels anticlimactic," Tyffani speaks from her perch on the bed. I'd forgotten she was here. We also haven't checked in on Faith's family. "Something feels off. But maybe that's just me expecting the worst. I'm going to set a protection spell," she rises from the bed and crosses the room.
The hairs on the back of my neck rise. She's right, something's off, but what? Leaving Faith to rest, I get up and pace the room. Ranger leans against the wall, his face a mask. Lewis watches me from a chair, his leg tapping the ground nervously. I stop at the window and look out, there's a crowd gathering around the fire which can't be right.
"Ranger, we may have a problem," I point.
Footfalls travel across the room. Ranger steps up to my side, his arms folded. We both look down and watch as a large group of wolves makes a half-circle near the fire. There's a second group out to the side, they're huddled around Thane's body grieving as one would expect. A knock sounds on the door. We both look back while Lewis answers.
"Here's the meal the Alpha requested," Sara's voice is calm as she bustles in laden with a tray. Her eyes fall on Faith, and her steps slow. She carefully sets the plate on the side table, curtsies, and tiptoes out the door. No sooner does it close than Alyssa appears at our side.
"So, there's good news and bad news," she breathes, eyeing our sleeping mate. Ranger nods for her to continue. "The good news is all of Thane's enforcers are gone. They left with the small band of wolves that were here from the Little Rock Pack. The bad news … there's a faction of wolves gathering at the fire. They're rejecting Faith as Alpha due to her being a female. Quentin is doing his best to quell the dissent, but he isn't pack."
"Well, fuck. Guess we should wake Faith and go handle business. Grab Millie and Faith's family, she's going to need them," Ranger barks.
When I open my eyes, I'm standing in a field of lavender. I know for a fact I'm dreaming because the colors are so bright, I have to squint. A strong wind blows, pushing the fragrant blooms toward me. My fingers run through the soft petals as I look around.
'Why am I here?'
'We have much to talk about, and very little time,' a feminine voice answered from behind me.
Snow rises, perking up her ears. She recognizes the voice of the Goddess, so I turn on my heel. I'm awestruck by the lithe woman in a long, flowing white dress. 'Is that how Goddesses are forced to dress?' I can't help but wonder as I soak in her auburn hair and soft blue eyes.
"This is only how you perceive me to be,' she chuckles. 'Faith, it is time. Your coven needs you. You will face another great feat of will, but it is as foretold. Don't follow what your mind tells you, follow your heart, and the prophecy will be fulfilled."
"Wait, what does that mean?" I step forward, but she's already fading from sight. I can hear Ty's voice calling me back to the present.
"Faith, you have to wake up, baby," Ty's fingers slide through the fur around my neck.
I crack one eye open and snort. He laughs and steps back. Ranger's leaning against the wall behind him. The look on my Alpha's face is pure doomsday. If he looks like that, shit is serious. I let out a yawn and concentrate on shifting. My bones crack, but the shift comes swift and clean - thank the Goddess.
"What is it?" I ask as I sit up, stretching.
"There's a situation with the pack. Get dressed, I think we need to get downstairs," Ranger hands me a pile of clothing.
"Okay, tell me what you know now," I grit as I begin to slide the clothing over my skin.
"They're holding a meeting to reject you as Alpha because you're femal
e. Your sire is trying to do damage control, but as a warlock and not a pack member, he only holds so much sway," Alyssa steps in.
"This is ridiculous. Thane stepped into the ring, which means he accepted me as a challenger," I breathe.
"I believe it's a group of hothead Alphas that have been hanging around the pack. From what I gathered listening in, it was only a matter of time before they made a move on Thane," Alyssa shrugs.
"Awesome. I'm sure there's lots of testosterone for me to deal with. What was I thinking by taking on Thane? All I really wanted was to be free, and now I'm leading a pack that may or may not want me?" I growl.
"Faith, you do what you need to. I know there's a prophecy and all that, but follow your heart," Ty grabs my hands and squeezes.
I still, the voice of the Goddess, seems to spill out of Ty's mouth. My mind blanks for a moment. Follow my heart. What my heart wants is to go home to the diner. But the prophecy states a new coven will proliferate, what does that mean? I guess it could mean anything. Or it could mean just that, a new coven, not me taking over this pack.
My shoulders relax. I take in a deep breath. Follow my heart. I open my eyes and catch the gazes of each of my men, one by one. Ty's softness shines Ranger's power, Lewis' loyalty. Where's Brandon? My heart stills. As if he knew I was looking for him, his head peeks out of the bathroom. Our eyes meet, his soul pouring through his bright irises. I can smell the woods around us. This isn't my home anymore.
"I want to go home," I breathe.
Ranger closes the distance between us and folds me into his arms. His hands cup my jaw, and his dark chocolate orbs penetrate me. His presence fills the space between us, and our bond thrums with his query. He's sifting through my emotions as if he were turning the page of a book. I'm putty in his arms.
"Fuck, I'm so glad," Brandon eases me out of Ranger's arms and tucks me into his chest. "This pack has bad vibes."
There's nothing I can do but laugh. There's a soft knock at the door. We look up to see Millie enter with my Mom and the twins. Brandon loosens his hold on me. I stand there, meekly waiting for them to make the first move. Titus and Talon don't miss a beat, they let go of mama's hand and race toward me. Before I know it, my arms are full, and tears streak down my face.
"You've gotten so big," I croon.
"Well, we're nine next week!" Titus puffs out his chest.
I squeeze them and let go. My eyes track my Mom, noticing how much weight she's lost and how worn out she appears. There's a stern look on her face that says, 'not now' so I don't broach the subject.
"Mamma. If I were to leave again, would you and the boys come with me?" I hold my breath hoping she says yes.
"Baby girl, wherever you go, we will follow. I can't lose you again," her voice gets caught in her throat. I want to run to her and wrap her in a hug, but I know we'd both break down. I have shit to do tonight.
"Okay. Then I need you to go pack your things. Millie and Lewis will come with you," I look over at Lewis with a plea.
Lewis bows his head then opens his arm toward the door. My Mom blows a kiss toward me, then ushers the boys back out the door, Millie and Lewis on her heels. I don't even question her leaving my "dad," obviously things have gone down that I'll find out about later. For now, I'm just happy to have her back.
"Okay, let's do this thing," I grouse as I lead my pack-coven toward the door. I don't really have a plan, which so far hasn't worked out very awesomely, but I also don't have time to sit around thinking about my next move.
The farmhouse is eerily quiet as we step out of the suite and trudge down the staircase. My wolf senses go into high alert. Danger seems everywhere these days. What I would do to go back in time when my heart rate wasn't accelerated continuously. Brandon nudges my side and takes my hand with a squeeze.
"We've got this," he mouths. I grimace back. I wish I had his confidence. While we are walking, I try and run through any Alphas I know that would be worthy as pack leader. An idea hits me, and I bite my lip with a grin.
'Tyffani, I need you to find someone for me,' I send an image to her as well as the basic plan I have for her to relay.
'On it,' she vanishes.
The floorboards creak as we cross the kitchen towards the back door. The doorknob is cold in my hand as I turn it and exit the house. A burst of wind hits me, blowing my hair in my face. Pushing the blonde strands back, I'm thankful for my wolf genes and shifting. The black hair was not cute, and I find myself a little prideful about my appearance now that I have four men.
The crowd gathered by the bonfire is reasonably large, by this point. Maybe half the pack. Near the platform, twenty or so males are rumbling back and forth. I take in a lungful of air and let out a whistle as I approach. They turn as expected. Satisfied, I shove my way through as if I own the place, which I guess I kind of do. My legs are shaky as I step onto the platform.
I stand tall, set my face in my best RBF, and scan the crowd. "As your new Pack Leader, I have an announcement to make. If one of you so much as interrupts me, I will cull you here and now without question. All of you are to listen to me carefully," I roar as I stare down at the group of dissonant wolves.
About ninety percent of the pack all fall to one knee, showing that they respect me as a leader. The group to my left shuffles back and forth before finally backing far enough away that they’re not kneeling isn't as glaring. I snarl in their direction, then turn my head dismissively. If I treat them like they don't matter, so will everyone else. Just before I turn to speak, I notice Tyffani step up to the side of the platform with a familiar face smiling up at me. My old playmate crosses one hand over his chest. It a signal, showing he's on my side. I smile back, my heart full, and take a lungful of air. This has to work; Goddess be with me.
"When I came here yesterday, my only intentions were to be freed from Thane's grasp and return to my home with my mates. The Alpha went against pack law and enslaved me, he tortured both myself and members of my family. Pushed to my limits, my only choice was to dethrone him so that I could win my freedom. I believe what I did was for the good of the pack. I also believe that this pack would be better served to have an Alpha who is committed to serving you. For that reason, I would like to name my cousin and loyal pack member, Benji, Alpha, in my stead. Benji has served this pack for many years as your councilor and keeper of pack law. I will step down as the active leader but continue to support the pack from my home in California as Luna in waiting until Benji is mated," I finish taking a step backward. 'Benji?" I hold my hand out.
He bows and steps to my side, his chest puffed out. "I humbly accept your nomination, Alpha. This pack means the world to me, and I promise to rule fairly."
"What say you? Will you accept Benji as your Alpha, serving him above all others and trusting him to lead you faithfully?" I eye the crowd, my heart in my chest.
"Aye, this candidate is worthy," a male voice shouts.
"I accept this candidate and would offer to stand as his second in command," another familiar face, Kaleb stands. The Beta and Benji were inseparable as kids, so his offer is no surprise.
A chorus of 'Aye' and acceptance rolls through the crowd. A single tear rolls down Benji's cheek as he pulls his best friend to the platform. I can feel the warmth of the pack. I've done the right thing.
"Then, it is settled. I am proud to appoint your new pack leader, Benji Boudreaux. And his second, Kaleb Aucuin. May the Gulf Pack prosper under their leadership!" I project my voice as loud as I can.
Benji grips my forearms and bows his head slightly. I pull him into a hug and pat this back. "Take care of them. There's work to be done to straighten out Thane's abuse, but I believe you can do it," I whisper.
"I will do my best," he squeezes me. "Though you aren't completely off the hook until I find my True-mate. I won't settle for less," he breathes.
"Nor should you," I grin eyeing my four guys. "I'll leave my contact information with the head of staff, Sara. I would like it if you kept her on," I incline m
y head. Benji nods and I clap him on the back. "Good, then it's time for me to go home."
I take one short bow, then step off the platform with my coven-pack on my heels. "Let's get the fuck out of here," I sigh.
"Hell, yes!" Brandon whoops, grabbing me up and throwing me over his shoulder. Laughing, I slap him on the back holding on as he runs through the crowd.
Four years later…
The smell of coffee tickles my nose. I crack my eyes to see Ty leaning over me with a smile on his face. Brown curls cover one eye, his beard has grown in, hiding the strong jawline I've come to love so much. He caresses my cheek, then hands me the mug before tiptoeing out the room.
Our mornings have become somewhat routine, which I love. Sitting up with my coffee, I nudge the two little bodies beside me. Dylan and December both have ringlets just like Ty. December has a mystical inclination, while Dylan doesn't. Even though it's apparent who sired the twins, all my mates coddle them as if they were their own.
The years since we left the Gulf Pack have been prosperous. Many have joined our coven-pack, we turn no one with good intentions away. The Coven of the Moon has earned a reputation for helping those in need. My sisters have been training me in my magic. I'm getting better every day. The Diner is flourishing so much that we've had to add another road to our mountain hideaway.
"Mama, can we wake Papa?" December rubs her eyes and points to Ranger, sleeping near the wall.
"Go for it, baby girl," I smile.
The clear ring of her laughter fills the air and December shifts, pouncing on Ranger's face with her little paws. It was quite a trial keeping these little pups in diapers during potty training, but now that they're old enough for underwear, life is much more comfortable. Ranger doesn't even grumble. He snatches her up and locks her in his arms, kissing her forehead. I have a sneaky suspicion he was already awake, waiting for his morning abuse.